Bass on the Fly Tournament

Wednesday – June 5th, 2024

7:00am – Registration
8:00am – Blast-off
3:30pm – Weigh-in

Juniper Boat Launch – Ririe Reservoir

Award Ceremony and After Party: Juniper Campground – A Loop Shelter

Bass on the Fly Tournament

The Bass on the Fly Tournament is back! Join your fly fishing friends for a fun day on the water in complete Bass Tournament style! Cash Prize payouts, angling prizes and more! Teams can consist of two or three members (single person teams are prohibited). If three persons are on a team, all three are allowed to fish. Only two participants per team can fish at one time. The tournament is limited to 15 teams and 5 sponsor teams. (Due to overwhelming support, interest and participation; we will be adding 3 more teams for a total for 18 teams!) ALL TEAM SLOTS ARE FULL!

Bass on the Fly Tournament

A total of five bass per team can be weighed. No more than five bass can be submitted at the weigh-in or be in a live well at one time. Minimum length of each bass for the tournament must be 10 inches. Any team that submits a bass that is under 10 inches will be deducted .5 lbs from their total score. The tournament has a strict on 9.8 hp limit on watercraft motors.

Bass on the Fly Tournament

Visit the Bass on the Fly Tournament Registration to secure a spot for your team! Tournament rules and prizes/awards can be found at the Bass on the Fly Tournament Rules and Regulations. If you have any questions about this fly fishing only bass tournament, please EMAIL US or give us a call at 800.654.0676.
